
Bringing Sexy Back

Estou eu a tomar um capuccino nos sofás do bar da Uni (diminutivo para Universidade porque os aussies são preguiçosos com nomes :)), e a ler a revista "Vertigo" da Associação de Estudantes, quando dou por mim a rir com um dos artigos. Parece que havia uma estátua de uns macacos em pleno acto sexual, na entrada do edificio. Sim, perceberam bem... Macacos a fazer sexo, como convite a entrar na Uni. Já confirmei e é mesmo verdade!
Pois então, retiraram a estátua por causa das obras e não a recolocaram. E os estudantes estão indignados! Querem a estátua de volta. Lol Este artigo é um género de petição para trazerem os macacos de volta! Leiam, está muito engraçado... Estes Aussies, são mesmo malucos! Muito à frente!!! ehehehehhe
Bringing Sexy Back
The bloody history of monkey sex removal.

Like Anna Nicole Smith’s daughter who was left out of her will, you have been robbed, and the way they did it you don’t even know about it. Under darkness of night, monkey sex was taken away from UTS by ladies and gentlemen descending from helicopters in camouflage wear humming the Rambo theme song.
Until recently there was a sandstone monument at the front of the UTS tower. Sydney uni may have its’ great Sandstone hall, but we had a two metre high, one metre wide sandstone statue of Monkeys having sex. Not just any monkey either. We’re talking a monkey with the penis the size of a tube of pre-bought cookie dough doing some pretty kinky shit. She’s balanced on her head, and he’s sitting on top of her pelvis, and they’re having the time of their life.
Our rulers say: They support people to Think, Change, Do. Yet in our society only minimal people are allowed to ‘think’ about monkey sex, much less ‘change’ their sex life so they can implement and ‘do’ it in that boring lull between lecture and tutorial. Under the growing conservatist bent of the University administration they claim that monkey sex was a victim of the “redevelopment of the front area of the University”.
Further, when pressed on the issue about why the University would not want to get involved in “bringing (monkey) sexy back” they responded by saying: look, we want to help, really we do, but when Justin Timberlake brought sexy back, he also brought back venereal disease, and our insurance only covers venereal disease spread by vice-chancellor Ross Milbourne. Not primape species”.
We guess, in this neo-conservative degree factory there is just no room for a humble instructional statute that reveals its secrets (how exactly one may have sex while balanced on their head) free and indiscriminately.
We’re fighting for: a world in which the monkey sex is free. As we understand it, at present, monkey sex languishes in an obscure place on the concourse, without trial and without access to minimum standards of due process in a manner that has been found to be in contravention of the Geneva convention. Due to intense lobbying by the Vertigo editorial team, UTS administration has announced that they will only bring either David Hicks or the Monkey sex statue home. Not both.
That’s why: we need your help! It is unacceptable that we’re being made to choose between someone that has trained with Al-Qaeda who is being denied natural justice and a wise monkey statue unable to impart its vast sexual knowledge. All we want to is bring (monkey) sexy back to UTS.
The goal of bring monkey sex home campaigners is to: have the monkey sex statue re-instated in its right and proper place in front of the UTS tower, facing students so they too may learn some “lessons” independently when the Karma Sutra is borrowed out of the library with 3 holds.
Get involved by: signing our petition, chalking the stencil on the opposite page in prominent areas of the university, and wearing the cut out monkey’s tail tucked into your pants to show solidarity with monkey sex.
The power is yours to BRING (MONKEY) SEXY BACK.

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